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Recension de mon livre "Le complotisme protestant" dans une revue universitaire américaine

3 Novembre 2022 , Rédigé par CC Publié dans #Publications et commentaires, #Histoire secrète, #Christianisme

Mon livre "Le complotisme protestant contemporain : A propos d'une thèse sur la tribu de Dan" (préface Régis Dericquebourg) paru chez L'Harmattan en 2019 vient de faire l'objet d'une recension dans la revue universitaire américaine (University of California Press) Nova Religio, vol. 26, no. 2 de ce mois de novembre 2022 pp. 124–125.

Voici le début de l'article de Dirk von der Horst :

"This book performs a rhetorical analysis of the website “Mystery, Babylon The Great: Catholic or Jewish?” (https://watch.pairsite.com/mystery-babylon.html) as part of a sociological investigation of the nature of conspiracy arguments. Christophe Colera positions his argument as a sociological one both by noting the political implications of such arguments—he credits them with a role in the election of President Donald Trump—and by situating it as an element of a social “field” in the sense that the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu proposed it. The introduction provides rationales for a sociologist following the lead of Max Weber to study an obscure website with spurious factual claims and undetermined authorship. There is no evidence apart from the website itself of either “Barbara Aho” or her husband, credited as its authors. They may simply be another fictive element among the imaginings that drive the website’s narrative.

Colera is particularly interested in how a born-again Christian..." La suite gratuite ici ou payante ici


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